The Church Review Questions Answer Key Section 2 Part 2

"Commandments, Part 2," Doctrinal Mastery Doctrine and Covenants and Church building History Teacher Material (2017)

"Commandments, Role 2," Doctrinal Mastery D&C and Church building History Instructor Textile


The teaching materials for the learning experience on "Commandments" are divided into three parts. In office 2, students will study this doctrinal topic using data in the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document. They will larn about the Word of Wisdom and the Lord's commandment to teach the gospel to others. They volition besides study the doctrinal mastery passages found in Doctrine and Covenants 89:18–21 and Doctrine and Covenants 18:15–16.

Notation: Y'all could teach the segments of this lesson in a unmarried class session or over the form of multiple grade sessions. If y'all cull to teach the segments over the course of multiple grade sessions, yous may need to briefly review with students what they learned in the previous segment before you teach a new segment.

Understanding the Doctrine

Segment i (30 minutes)

Write the following cardinal argument of doctrine on the board: God'due south commandments include observing the Word of Wisdom and didactics the gospel to others.


Split up students into pairs. Give copies of the handout "The Word of Wisdom" to half of the pairs in class, and give copies of the handout "Teaching the Gospel to Others" to the other half of the pairs in class. Ask students to work together with their partner to complete their worksheet and to be fix to teach about their assigned commandment. Explain that they volition have ten to 15 minutes to prepare.


The Word of Wisdom

The revelation recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 89, known every bit the Give-and-take of Wisdom, was given to the Prophet Joseph Smith after he asked the Lord virtually the employ of tobacco by the brethren in some early Church building meetings. The Give-and-take of Wisdom is a commandment from God to His children for their benefit. This commandment lists certain substances that are harmful to our bodies and sure foods that are adept for our bodies.

  1. With your partner, review Doctrine and Covenants 89:v–17 and respond to the following questions:

    What substances are we are commanded not to take into our bodies?

    What foods listed in the Give-and-take of Wisdom are good for our bodies?

    It might be helpful to recall that the Lord did not originally give the Word of Wisdom every bit a commandment. Many early Church members made efforts to stop using these substances that are prohibited today. God later revealed to His prophets that the Give-and-take of Wisdom was to be a commandment for all members of the Church, and observing the Word of Wisdom later became a requirement for receiving a temple recommend.

  2. Read Doctrine and Covenants 89:18–21 aloud together, looking for blessings the Lord promises to those who find the Word of Wisdom. Consider mark this doctrinal mastery passage in a distinctive way so you will be able to locate it hands.

  3. Discuss the following questions together:

    • What blessings does the Lord promise those who go on the Give-and-take of Wisdom?

    • When have y'all seen these promises fulfilled in people's lives?

  4. From what yous have learned, prepare a simple lesson y'all tin can teach about observing the Word of Wisdom. As y'all prepare, consider using some of the activities and questions from this worksheet. Make sure you invite those you lot teach to read and mark Doctrine and Covenants 89:18–21. Be prepared to teach others in a few minutes.


Education the Gospel to Others

The Lord has declared, "I give unto you a commandment that y'all shall teach i another the doctrine of the kingdom" (meet D&C 88:77).

  1. With your partner, list some situations in which yous have seen people teach the gospel to others.

    The Lord's commandment to teach the gospel applies to all of us, even if we don't currently accept a formal calling every bit a teacher. We accept opportunities to teach in our families, with our friends, in our Church classes, and in our interactions with coworkers and neighbors. Sometimes we teach with words, and sometimes we teach past case.

  2. Tell your partner about the last fourth dimension you taught the gospel to a person or group.

    Shortly after the Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery received the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods, the Prophet received a revelation near their responsibleness to share the gospel and to declare repentance to the world.

  3. Read Doctrine and Covenants 18:15–sixteen aloud together, looking for blessings that come from helping someone repent and come up closer to Jesus Christ. This scripture is a doctrinal mastery passage. Consider marking information technology in a distinctive manner and so y'all will be able to locate it easily.

  4. Talk over the post-obit questions together:

    • What is the approval of didactics the gospel that is described in Doctrine and Covenants 18:15–16?

    • Take you ever experienced joy from sharing gospel teachings with someone else? Why practice yous recall you felt this way?

    • What opportunities exercise you recollect you volition have today or tomorrow to teach the gospel to others?

  5. It'southward your lucky day! You have an opportunity to teach the gospel very soon. Prepare a elementary lesson with your partner to teach what yous take learned about this commandment to teach the gospel to others. Every bit y'all set up, consider using some of the activities and questions from this worksheet. Make certain you invite those you teach to read and mark Doctrine and Covenants 18:fifteen–sixteen.

Later on students have had time to learn together and are prepared to teach, invite partnerships who studied "The Word of Wisdom" handout to teach partnerships who studied the "Teaching the Gospel to Others" handout, and vice versa. If your form is small, you might invite the partnerships to teach the grade.

Share your ain feel and testimony related to these two commandments.

Segment two (10 minutes)


To help students improve empathize the promises and blessings of keeping the Word of Wisdom recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 89:18–21, provide students with the accompanying handout of statements by President Boyd Thousand. Packer (1924–2015) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Invite several students to read the paragraphs aloud. Ask the course to follow along, marking the promises President Packer mentioned.


Statements by President Boyd G. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

"I have come to know … that a central purpose of the Word of Wisdom has to do with revelation. …

"If someone 'under the influence' [of harmful substances] tin hardly listen to plain talk, how tin they respond to spiritual promptings that touch their most delicate feelings?

"As valuable every bit the Word of Wisdom is as a police of wellness, information technology may be much more valuable to you spiritually than it is physically" (Boyd K. Packer, "Prayers and Answers," Ensign, Nov. 1979, xx).

"There's a final promise in the revelation. Speaking again of those who continue and do and obey these commandments, the Lord said, 'I … give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall laissez passer by them, equally the children of Israel, and not slay them' (D&C 89:21). That is a remarkable hope.

"To understand information technology, we must turn to the time of Moses. The Israelites had been enslaved for 400 years. Moses came equally their deliverer. He called forth plagues upon Egypt. The Pharaoh agreed each time to free the Israelites, but each time he reneged on [overlooked] his promise. Finally, 'the Lord said unto Moses, Yet volition I bring one plague more than upon Pharaoh, and upon Egypt; afterwards he will let you lot become. … All the firstborn in the state of Egypt shall dice' (Ex. 11:i, 5).

"Moses told the Israelites to 'take … a lamb … without blemish, a male of the first year. … Neither shall ye interruption a os thereof' (Ex. 12:3, five, 46; meet also John 19:33).

"They were to set the lamb equally a feast and 'take of the blood, and strike it on the … door post of the houses. … For I will pass through the state of Egypt this evening, and will smite all the firstborn in the land … : and when I come across the claret, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon yous to destroy you lot. … And this solar day … ye shall keep … by an ordinance for ever' (Ex. 12:7, 12–14). 'When your children shall say unto y'all, What mean ye past this … ? … ye shall say, It is the cede of the Lord's passover' (Ex. 12:26–27).

"Surely, immature people, yous see the prophetic symbolism in the Passover. Christ was 'the Lamb of God' (John 1:29, 36), the firstborn, male, without blemish. He was slain without breaking his bones, fifty-fifty though the soldiers were sent to do it.

"But it is non from mortal death that we shall be spared in such a passover if we walk in obedience to these commandments, for each of u.s. in fourth dimension shall die. Simply in that location is spiritual expiry which you demand not suffer. If you are obedient, that spiritual death will pass over you, for 'Christ our passover is sacrificed for us,' the revelation teaches (one Cor. v:7).

"While the Word of Wisdom requires strict obedience, in render information technology promises wellness, great treasures of knowledge, and that redemption bought for us past the Lamb of God, who was slain that we might be redeemed" (Boyd K. Packer, "The Word of Wisdom: The Principle and the Promises," Ensign, May 1996, nineteen).

  • What do President Packer's statements help usa sympathize nearly the promised blessings of the Discussion of Wisdom?

You may want to point out to the class that, in general, obeying the Discussion of Wisdom volition help us accept a ameliorate quality of life than if nosotros cull non to obey it. However, the Word of Wisdom is not a guaranteed protection against the trials of mortality, including illness, disability, and death. The Lord'south promises are for eternity, and those who follow His commandments but do non receive all of the promised blessings in this life will receive them hereafter. (Come across Doctrine and Covenants and Church History: Gospel Doctrine Instructor'due south Manual [1999], 125.)

Doctrinal Mastery Review Activities

Note: The post-obit review activities are not intended to be taught during the aforementioned class session as this lesson—"Commandments, Part 2." Please present these activities during seminary form sessions that take place after you have taught this lesson, simply before y'all teach "Commandments, Part three." These short reviews tin can exist taught at the beginning or end of classes in which you lot teach a regular sequential scripture lesson from the Doctrine and Covenants. Be sure that these reviews take no longer than the designated time, so as not to take abroad from the scripture block students volition exist studying in grade.

Doctrinal Mastery Review. Doctrine and Covenants 89:18–21 (5 minutes)

Provide students with a sheet of newspaper. Ask them to write the number89 in the middle of the paper. Then invite them to create a moving picture or pictures using the number89 to depict the meaning of Doctrine and Covenants 89:eighteen–21. For example, students might make the viii or the ix (or both) into a motion picture of someone running without weariness or someone opening a treasure chest. Or students might draw pictures on the paper surrounding the number89. These pictures could represent the promises described in the doctrinal mastery passage. (Y'all might want to explicate that the purpose of this action is to find interesting and artistic ways to recall this doctrinal mastery passage, and not to assess their drawing skills.) Later almost five minutes of cartoon, invite students to volunteer to prove and explain their pictures. Y'all might post some, or all, of the pictures in the classroom so students can be reminded of where to find the promises for obeying the Word of Wisdom.

Doctrinal Mastery Review. Doctrine and Covenants 18:15–16 (five minutes)

Write the following fundamental statement of doctrine on the board: God's commandments include instruction the gospel to others.

  • What scripture or scriptures do you know that help teach this doctrine? (If students cannot recall the reference, invite them to wait in paragraph nine.5 in the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document. This paragraph refers to Doctrine and Covenants 18:15–16.)

Invite students to turn to and read silently Doctrine and Covenants 18:xv–16. Ask them to explain the meaning of the passage and how it supports the statement on the board. Students could practice this with a partner or with the unabridged course.

Suggest to students that they could remember this reference by associating information technology with the historic period that young men become eligible to serve total-fourth dimension missions (18). Enquire them how they might recall the verse numbers. Yous could utilize some of their suggestions to review this scripture in the future.

Doctrinal Mastery Review. Commandments (7 minutes)

Brandish or write the following questions on the board:

  • How might y'all remember this scripture reference?

  • How could you remember what information technology talks almost?

  • What does it explicate about one of the Lord's commandments?

Invite students to piece of work with a partner and reply these questions nearly each of the post-obit doctrinal mastery scripture passages. Provide these passages i at a fourth dimension to the class past writing them on the board.

Doctrine and Covenants 18:xv–16

Doctrine and Covenants 64:nine–xi

Doctrine and Covenants 89:eighteen–21


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